Call for Abstract
Scientific Program
4th International Conference on Nephrology & Therapeutics, will be organized around the theme “Integrating recent discoveries and interpreting clinical research for better renal health”
Nephrology-2015 is comprised of 10 tracks and 87 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in Nephrology-2015.
Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.
Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.
- Track 1-1Diffusion
- Track 1-2Hemodialysis and Peritoneal dialysis- Types and methods of access
- Track 1-3Side effects and Complications of dialysis procedures
- Track 1-4Psychological disparities in renal dialysis patients
- Track 1-5Nutrition and anemia in dialysis patients
- Track 1-6Microbial infection and diseases
- Track 1-7Importance of age
- Track 2-1Cystic kidney diseases
- Track 2-2Alport’s and Bartter’s Syndrome
- Track 2-3Inherited metabolic diseases with renal involvement
- Track 2-4Inherited metabolic diseases with non-glomerular involvement
- Track 2-5Reflux nephropathy and haemolytic uraemic syndrome
- Track 2-6Biopsy, diagnosis and Imaging methods
- Track 2-7Molecular diagnostics and genetic counselling methods
- Track 2-8Mutation analysis and single gene defects
- Track 2-9Genetic kidney disease in neonates
- Track 3-1Epidemiology and causes of chronic kidney disease
- Track 3-2Pyelonephritis and Glomerulonephritis
- Track 3-3Diagnosis and imaging techniques
- Track 3-4ACE Inhibitors and ARBs
- Track 3-5AIDS and renal diseases
- Track 3-6Glomerular and renal Tubular Diseases
- Track 3-7Amino acids in treatment of acute renal failures
- Track 3-8Chronic Kidney disease self-care at home
- Track 3-9Chronic Kidney disease medications and Treatment,
- Track 3-10Chronic Kidney disease prevention and prognosis
- Track 4-1Bloodgroups and immuno-compatibility
- Track 4-2Complications of kidney transplantation
- Track 4-3Risk factors for acute rejection and strategies to improve results
- Track 4-4Renal transplantation- contradictions and requirements
- Track 4-5Immunosuppressants
- Track 4-6Kidney-pancreas transplant
- Track 4-7Renal transplantation in obese patients
- Track 4-8Post-operative diet, rehabilitation and recovery
- Track 4-9Ethical challenges and organ trade
- Track 5-1Inflammation and connective tissue disease
- Track 5-2Autoimmune disease and Type III hypersensitivity
- Track 5-3Glomerulosclerosis
- Track 5-4Glomerular filtration rate
- Track 5-5Role of mutation
- Track 5-6Autosomal polycystic kidney disease
- Track 5-7Genetic kidney disease in neonates
- Track 5-8Renal carcinoma
- Track 5-9Cancer related renal complications
- Track 5-10Chemotherapy related renal complications
- Track 5-11Myeloma nephrology
- Track 5-12Diabetic nephropathy
- Track 6-1Metabolic bone disease
- Track 6-2Salt wasting
- Track 6-3Hyperkalemia
- Track 6-4Acidosis
- Track 6-5Inorganic ions (Na, K, Cl) and epithelial biology
- Track 6-6Kidney stones
- Track 6-7Renal fibrosis
- Track 7-1Renal replacement therapy
- Track 7-2Hematuria
- Track 7-3Proteinuria
- Track 7-4Kidney Biopsy
- Track 7-5Hemolysis
- Track 7-6Hematopoiesis
- Track 7-7Erythropoietin
- Track 7-8Platelet dysfunction
- Track 8-1Pharmacogenomics
- Track 8-2rhGH treatment
- Track 8-3Ab mediated treatment
- Track 8-4Nephrectomy
- Track 8-5Environmental aspects in renal care
- Track 8-6Regenerative medicine treatment
- Track 8-7Transurethral surgery
- Track 8-8Laparoscopy in the treatment of kidney disorders
- Track 8-9Pediatric kidney diseases and treatment
- Track 9-1Urinalysis
- Track 9-2Blood Tests
- Track 9-3Kidney Biopsy
- Track 9-4Medical ultrasonography
- Track 9-5computed axial tomography
- Track 9-6Scintigraphy (nuclear medicine)
- Track 9-7Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
- Track 9-8Recent advancements in renal therapeutics
- Track 10-1Nephrology Nursing
- Track 10-2Advancements in kidney failure and treatment
- Track 10-3Stages of kidney disease and therapy
- Track 10-4Chronic kidney disease diet
- Track 10-5Nephrology Dialysis transplantation
- Track 10-6Kidney transplantation
- Track 10-7Advancements in Reverse Kidney
- Track 10-8Alternative and Ayurvedic medicine for kidney