Vinod C Tawar
Kwantlen Medical Clinic, USA
Title: Prevention of the development of diabetes by early intervention a retrospective study
Biography: Vinod C Tawar
The current research, a retrospective study on early stage intervention on the development of diabetes, is based on a concept discussed in 2011 by Ralph A De Fronzo and Muhammad Abdul-Ghani in a publication by American Diabetes Association. The research comprises of early recognition of the patients at the stage of developing IGT and initiation of treatments with oral hypoglycemic agents in order to reach a normal HbA1C. The overall numbers of patients in practice were 5000 and those with IGT were 26. The research was started 7 years ago and has resulted in these patients reaching an HbA1C of 5.2; the target of treatment was maintaining lower than 5.2. Metformin has been mostly effective in patients reaching the target value, however in rare cases Gliclazide was needed. In one case Actos and insulin treatment was essential for a female patient with polycystic ovarian syndrome. The current success has resulted in preventing further complications from diabetes. In earlier years, clinicians were advised to start oral hypoglycemic agents, once the patients had shown an HbA1C of 7.5. However, the evidences have shown that by this stage many complications from diabetes would have occurred.