Jose L. Reyes, MD, PhD MD degree from National University of Mexico (1964), Pediatric Nephrologist from Hospital Infantil de Mexico Federico Gomez (1969, Sponsor Dr. Gustavo Gordillo), Research fellow (Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles CA, USA. Sponsor Dr. Jose Strauss ), PhD degree Center for Research and Advanced Studies. National Polytechnic Institute, Mexico (1977). Currently full professor at this institution and former Head of the Department of Physiology, Biophysics and Neurosciences. Invited Professor: University of Laussanne, Switzerland, 1983- 1984, Université de Paris VI.. Invited professor at Albert Einstein College of Medicine, USA, New York Medical College, USA, Université de Paris, France, Universite de Nice, France, Cambridge University, England and Universite de Lausanne, Switzerland. 135 publications